2023 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Automation and Artificial Intelligence (IoTAAI 2023)



Prof. Xiangyang Yu

Sun Yat-sen University

Profile: XiangyangYu, Professor and doctoral supervisor of State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technology, School of Physics, Sun Yat-sen University; Director of Digital Intelligence photoelectric sensing Research and Development Center, Nanchang Research Institute, Sun Yat-sen University, professor. He is also the Secretary-General of Guangdong Optical Society, the deputy director of Guangdong Intelligent Manufacturing Institute, the deputy chairman of the Blockchain Committee of Guangdong Electronics Industry Association, the director of Guangdong Facility Horticulture Industry Technology Innovation Alliance, and the Guangzhou Science communication expert. It is committed to the development and industrialization of new technologies such as digital intelligent photoelectric sensing devices, artificial intelligence in photoelectric information, miniature intelligent spectral imaging, near infrared spectroscopy and intelligent rapid detection, optical image and target recognition, 3D and digital human technology, blockchain and data technology, etc. He has presided over a number of scientific research projects including National Natural Science Foundation, National Key Basic Development Plan (973 Plan), 863 Plan, Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province and industry-university-research projects. He has published more than 100 academic papers in important journals at home and abroad, obtained a number of invention patents and software Copyrights, and independently edited the national planning textbook "Information Optics".


Prof. Yuming Fang

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, China

Profile: Fang Yuming, professor and doctoral supervisor of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, director of Key Laboratory of Digital Media of Jiangxi Province, winner of "Outstanding Youth Fund" project of National Natural Science Foundation. In 2013, he graduated from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore with a doctorate degree in Computer engineering. He has presided over more than 10 projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation Excellent Youth Project, the Mian Project, and the Fok Yingdong Education Foundation Young Teachers Fund in colleges and universities. He has published more than 100 papers in mainstream academic journals and conferences at home and abroad, more than 2,000 Google academic citations, and 3 ESI highly cited papers; He applied for more than 10 invention patents and software Copyrights, served as the editorial board of several SCI journals, was selected as the candidate of Jiangxi Province hundred million Talents project, the winner of Jiangxi Province Outstanding Youth Fund, and won the Jiangxi Youth May Fourth Medal. Dr. Fang guided the students to participate in the "Challenge Cup" National College students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition, Jiangxi University Students Computer Works Competition, National Graduate Students Smart City Technology and Creativity Competition and other student competitions, and the student team won the first prize, second prize, third prize and other awards in Jiangxi Province.

Research interests: Visual big Data, video image Processing, computer vision, machine learning, intelligent information Processing, Information Mining.


Prof. Congxuan Zhang

Nanchang Hangkong University

Profile: Doctor (post), Professor, master tutor. Winner of the National Outstanding Young Science Fund, Young Jinggang Scholar of Jiangxi Province, candidate of the Outstanding Young Talent Program of Jiangxi Province, winner of the May Fourth Medal of Young People of Jiangxi Province, visiting scholar of the National public University of Kansas, Postdoctoral fellow of the State Key Laboratory of Pattern Recognition of the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was the executive director of Jiangxi Province Automation Society, the executive director of Jiangxi Province Engineering Graphics Society, and the member of the aviation special committee of Jiangxi Province Young Science and Technology Workers Association. He is mainly engaged in the research of image detection and intelligent recognition, machine vision and intelligent perception. His research interests include: (1) optical flow calculation and visual motion analysis of image sequences; (2) Multi-sensor information fusion and identification analysis; ③ Intelligent non-destructive testing technology based on machine vision. In recent years, he has presided over (completed) more than 10 national and provincial and ministerial projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation, the National Key Research and Development Program sub-project, the Outstanding Youth Science Fund of Jiangxi Province, the key project of the Natural Science Fund of Jiangxi Province, the China Postdoctoral Science Fund and the Aviation Science Fund. Related research achievements have been published in more than 60 papers in authoritative journals at home and abroad such as IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Acta Automatica Sinica, Acta Electronica et al., and 22 national invention patents have been authorized. He won the first prize of Technological Invention Award of Jiangxi Province and the second prize of Science and Technology Award of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and the first prize of Science and Technology Innovation Award of China Association for the Promotion of Science and Technology Industrialization and the first prize of Teaching Achievement Award of Jiangxi Province.


Prof. Enhong Chen

University of Science and Technology of China, China

Profile: Chen Enhong, Ph.D., professor, doctoral supervisor, winner of National Outstanding Youth Fund, leader of innovation team in key fields of Ministry of Science and Technology, CCF member. He received his Ph.D. degree in computer software from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1996. In 2005, he was selected into the New Century Outstanding Talents Support Plan of the Ministry of Education, won the special allowance of the Anhui Provincial government in 2015, and was selected into the innovative leading talents of the "Special support Plan" of Anhui Province in 2016. He is currently the deputy Dean of the School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, the Deputy director of the National Engineering Laboratory of Speech and Language Information Processing, and the director of the Anhui Key Laboratory of Big Data Analysis and Application. He is a member of the Computer Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, the Chairman of the Anhui Computer Society, the director of the China Computer Society, the member of the Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition Committee, the member of the database committee, the member of the Big Data Expert Committee, the vice chairman of the Knowledge Engineering and Distributed Intelligence Professional Committee of the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society, and the standing member of the Machine Learning Special Committee. He was the first chairman of YOCSEF Hefei Sub-Forum of China Computer Society (2011). WWW Journal, IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics: System, editorial board member of academic journals at home and abroad, such as computer research and development, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence, computer application, and program committee member of important international academic conferences such as KDD, AAAI, ICDM, PAKDD, SDM, etc. Chairman of the Program Committee of national academic conferences NDBC '2012, CCDM' 2014, CNCC '2015, etc. It has undertaken Outstanding Youth Fund projects, surface projects, joint key fund projects, 863 program, National key research and development program projects, and cooperation projects with Nokia, Alibaba, Huawei and iFlytek. Published more than 100 academic papers in important domestic and foreign academic journals TKDE, TKDD, TMC, TIST, TC and important international academic conferences in the field of data mining KDD, WWW, SIGIR, ICDM, NIPS, ECML-PKDD, CIKM, etc. He won the KDD2008 Best Application Paper Award, ICDM2011 Best Research Paper Award, SDM2015 Best Paper Nomination Award, etc. He won the 2012 Natural Science Second Prize of the Ministry of Education, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Excellent Mentor Award and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhu Liyuehua Excellent Teacher Award for many times. The doctoral students supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Computer Society, Chinese Society for Artificial Intelligence and other excellent doctoral thesis awards, as well as the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Special Award, excellence award.

Prof. Deze Zeng, IEEE Member

China University of Geosciences, China

Profile: Zeng Deze is currently the deputy dean, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Computer Science, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), the deputy director of Hubei Key Laboratory of Intelligent Geoinformation Processing, and the deputy director of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence. He is mainly engaged in the research work in the fields of edge computing, ubiquitous intelligence and Internet of Things. He graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2007, and received his master's degree and doctor's degree from Aizu University in 2009 and 2013, respectively. He was selected into the National high-level Talent Plan (youth) and Hubei Provincial Talent Plan (Youth), and won the title of "Upward Good Youth" by the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League. He has presided over more than 10 national key research and development plan projects, National Natural Science Foundation surface/youth, and Hubei Key research and Development Plan projects. He has published more than 120 papers in ATC, SC, INFOCOM, JSAC, TPDS, TC and other conference journals, published 3 academic monographs, and won the Best paper award of ICPADS 2020, ICA3PP 2015, and ACM IMCOM 2014. IEEE System Journal Best Paper Award 2017 and 2019. Frontiers in Internet of Things Editor, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, Journal of Network and Computer Applications,  Frontiers of Computer Science, and Open Journal of Computer Society and other journals editorial board members, as well as a number of internationally renowned academic conference chairman, vice chairman and so on. He is the Deputy Secretary General and member of CCF's Distributed Computing and Systems Committee, the Internet of Things Committee and the Internet Committee. He is a member of IEEE and a senior member of CCF.


Prof. Changyu Dong

Guangzhou University, China

Profile: Dong Changyu, Professor, doctoral supervisor, Cheung Kong Scholar, Ministry of Education, Visiting Professor, Newcastle University, UK. He received his PhD from Imperial College London, and has held teaching positions at the University of Strathclyde and the University of Newcastle in the United Kingdom. Turing Fellow, Turing Institute. His main research fields are big data security and privacy computing, including practical security multi-party computing, distributed differential privacy mechanism, artificial intelligence security, cloud computing data privacy, blockchain privacy security and other research directions. He has undertaken a number of projects and topics in the above research direction, including the UK EPSRC funded project "Practical data-intensive Secure Computing", "Malicious Sample Defense Methods", "Accountable Cloud Computing", and the National Nature Foundation project "Inference Attack and Defense Research in Multi-party Machine Learning". He has published more than 50 high-level papers in related research fields, including Security Summit ACM CCS, USENIX Security and Class A journals IEEE TDSC/TIFS/TPDS/TKDE recommended by CCF, and three papers have won the best paper award of international academic conferences. He has served as an expert in the evaluation of fund projects in the UK and many EU countries, as well as the chairman of the program committee and the editorial board of journals of many international academic conferences.


Dr. Li Tan

Nanchang Yanuo technology Co., LTD

Profile: Li Tan, Ph.D. Graduated from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, is currently the head of the Industrial Internet Laboratory of Nanchang University, and has served as deputy general manager of Aerospace Intelligent Manufacturing Company of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, technical director of Alibaba Tao Factory, distinguished associate professor of East China University of Technology, and member of the "Intelligent Manufacturing 2035" expert group of Chinese Academy of Engineering. Member of the Expert Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering Technology for Complex Products, member of the National Standards and Technology Committee TC159.

In the world, he took the lead in proposing major technological concepts such as "cloud manufacturing" and "industrial metauniverse", and participated in writing the national strategy of "Made in China 2025". He presided over the research and development of China's first intelligent manufacturing cloud platform - aerospace cloud network, the first commercial C2M new manufacturing platform - Tao Factory, and has undertaken five national projects such as key research and development plans, accumulated research project funding of more than 20 million, published more than 30 EI/SCI/ highly cited articles, and authorized more than 10 patents. Won the first prize of military science and technology progress, was selected in Jiangxi Province Shuangqian Plan, Hangzhou/Nanchang high-level talent plan.

Title: Preliminary study on the application of industrial meta-universe model, technology and integration of production and education.